If you're used to thinking of Canada as our slightly dorky Arctic cousin, literally the last nation on Earth where the mullet is considered a legitimate haircut, the country where American fads go to die and of course you are used to thinking all of that about Canada because it's long been true, it's time to think again.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Canada, of all places, is a leading indicator. As the woke revolution spreads across the West, Canada is at the vanguard of it. Under Justin Trudeau, Canada has done everything to the maximum possible extent. It has criminalized political speech. It has banned self-defense. It's used the power of the state to squelch Christianity, all of it. So, if you want to know what's going to happen next in the United States, it's time to look north. Canada is the ghost of our Christmas future.
So, with that in mind, it's worth taking a look at what is happening right now in Canada's schools, because you are certain to see all of it in your children's schools very soon. This week, video surfaced on the internet from a place called Trafalgar High School in Oakville, Ontario. That's right across the lake from Niagara Falls. These videos show a teacher called Stephen Hanna, who apparently has been employed at Trafalgar High for several years. Recently, Hanna decided to dress like a woman or more precisely, as a grotesque caricature of a woman, not a real woman, but a kind of new, manically inflated Marilyn Monroe lookalike.
As part of his costume, Hanna strapped on a pair of gigantic prosthetic breasts, each the size of a 10 pound watermelon. We're not exaggerating here. They're visible from at least 100 yards away, if not from space. We'll show you the picture. We are right now on the screen, but here's the thing. Hanna isn't doing this in private, in his home and restaurants and clubs. If he were, we would not be mentioning on the show because it would not be our business. Have fun, Stephen Hanna. No, Stephen Hanna is doing it in class in front of children.
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