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Showing posts from February, 2020

coronavirus spike in South Korea

The South Korea country reported a jump of 52 more cases overnight, bringing its total upto 156. At least half the total cases are in the southern city of Daegu . Most of them members of a religious group.

Master Cooking Class at Serena Hotel Islamabad

Islamabad: Master cooking class was launched today at serena hotel islamabad.  Serena Hotel arranged the turkish ciusine worshop. A large number of people participated in the class and they were trained by eminent professional turkish chefs, including Mr Serdar Ongel, Chef Servet Kanat and Chef Davut Katlugun. 

Trump contradicts past denials, admits sending Giuliani to Ukraine

Washington (CNN)Emboldened after his impeachment acquittal, President Donald Trump now openly admits to sending his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to find damaging information about his political opponents, even though he strongly denied it during the impeachment inquiry. The reversal came Thursday in a podcast interview Trump did with journalist Geraldo Rivera, who asked, "Was it strange to send Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine, your personal lawyer? Are you sorry you did that?" Trump responded, "No, not at all," and praised Giuliani's role as a "crime fighter." "Here's my choice: I deal with the Comeys of the world, or I deal with Rudy," Trump said, referring to former FBI Director James Comey. Trump explained that he has "a very bad taste" of the US intelligence community, because of the Russia investigation, so he turned to Giuliani. "So when you tell me, why did I use Rudy, and one of the things about Rudy, number on

Vermont deputy police chief resigns after she admitted to running 2 fake social media accounts

(CNN)A deputy police chief in Burlington, Vermont, resigned Monday after she admitted to running two fake social media accounts where she criticized both citizens and city officials. Deputy Police Chief Jan Wright's resignation will take effect February 21, according to a separation agreement between her and the department. She has worked with the department for over 18 years and has nearly 34 years in the profession, according to a Burlington police news release. Wright admitted in December, after she was promoted to acting police chief, that she ran the fake accounts. This followed the resignation of her predecessor, Brandon del Pozo, who lied to a reporter about running a fake Twitter account, the release said. The two accounts Wright ran went by the names of Lori Spicer and Abby Sykes, according to a human resources letter. On one undated occasion, it was found that Wright (via Lori Spicer) said a citizen was "obsessed" with del Pozo. In another post (via Abb

High-level murder investigation grips tiny mountain kingdom of Lesotho

(CNN)Maesaiah Thabane, the first lady of the tiny mountain kingdom of Lesotho, always knew how to make an entrance. After weeks in hiding in South Africa, allegedly helped by a recently appointed spokesman who snuck her away in a government-issue car, Thabane crossed back into Lesotho last Tuesday, passing a phalanx of security forces, and promptly handed herself over to special police. Later that evening, crown prosecutors charged Thabane with the 2017 murder of Lesotho's previous first lady -- her husband's previous wife -- Lipolelo Thabane, and the attempted murder of another woman. Maesaiah Thabane was taken into custody. The first lady's legal team didn't respond to phone calls and text messages from CNN over several days. The shocking details of the case have gripped this country of fewer than 2 million people, which is entirely surrounded by South Africa, forced the Prime Minister Thomas Thabane to promise his resignation and opened the lid on the mu

Space Force says Russian satellites are following American satellite

(CNN)Russian satellites have been exhibiting the "unusual and disturbing behavior" of following a US satellite in orbit, according to the commander of the Space Force, the newest military service. "Last November the Russian government launched a satellite that subsequently released a second satellite," US Space Command Commander and the Space Force's Chief of Space Operations Gen. John Raymond said in a statement Monday. "These satellites have been actively maneuvering near a U.S. government satellite and behaving similar to another set of satellites that Russia deployed in 2017, and which the Russian government characterized as 'inspector satellites.' " Raymond's comments mark the first substantive statement from the Space Force and come as the US has become increasingly concerned about what adversaries are doing in space -- one of the reasons why the US launched the new military branch, the first new military service since 1947,

#Coronavirus: چین میں ایک روز میں ریکارڈ 97 ہلاکتیں، برطانیہ میں وائرس فوری اور سنگین خطرہ قرار

 چین میں کورونا وائرس سے ہلاک ہونے والے افراد کی تعداد 900 سے تجاوز کر گئی ہے جن میں سے 97 افراد کی ہلاکت کی تصدیق اتوار کو کی گئی اور یہ اب تک ایک روز میں اس وائرس سے ہونے والی ہلاکتوں کی سب سے بڑی تعداد ہے۔ ادھر برطانیہ میں بھی اس وائرس کے مزید چار مریضوں کی تصدیق کے بعد حکومت نے اسے عوام کی صحت کے لیے ’فوری اور سنگین‘ خطرہ قرار دے دیا ہے۔ چین میں اب تک اس وائرس سے 908 افراد ہلاک ہو چکے ہیں مگر انفیکشن سے متاثر ہونے والے افراد کی یومیہ تعداد اب مستحکم ہو گئی ہے۔ چین سمیت دنیا بھر میں کورونا سے متاثرہ افراد کی تعداد 40 ہزار سے بڑھ چکی ہے جبکہ ایک لاکھ 87 ہزار 518 افراد کی طبی نگرانی کی جا رہی ہے کہ کہیں ان میں کورونا وائرس موجود تو نہیں۔ چینی ڈیٹا کے مطابق 3281 افراد کو علاج کے بعد ہسپتال سے فارغ کر دیا گیا ہے۔ چین اور برطانیہ کے علاوہ جاپان میں لنگرانداز اس مسافر بردار بحری جہاز کے مزید 60 مسافروں میں بھی کورونا وائرس کی تصدیق کی گئی ہے جسے اب قرنطینہ کیا جا چکا ہے۔ اس بحری جہاز کے 3700 مسافروں میں سے اب تک 130 میں اس وائرس کی تصدیق ہو چکی ہے۔ ادھر عالمی ادارہ

How to make a good first impression

We're often told you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Those precious first few seconds often shape a person's opinion of you; there are even scientific studies to prove it takes 30 seconds to gauge someone on meeting them for the first time. With that in mind, here are a few tips you can follow to ensure you make a a great first impression from the get-go. Smile Start your conversations with a warm smile or a small grin. It indicates you are confident and have a positive attitude. You also make others feel more comfortable since the simple act of smiling helps break tension. Introduction How you tell someone about yourself sets the stage for the rest of the conversation. Start simple, introduce yourself and ask about them, without sounding too intrusive. Alter your introduction to suit context – whether a formal interview, a casual meeting in a cafe or something in between. Body language and posture Sometimes it is not what you say but how y

UK declares coronavirus a "serious and imminent threat" to public health

The UK has declared the Wuhan coronavirus a "serious and imminent threat to public health," which gives the government additional powers to delay or prevent the further spread of the virus. In a statement Monday, the government said, "in light of the recent public health emergency from the novel coronavirus originating from Wuhan, (the) Secretary of State has made regulations to ensure that the public are protected as far as possible from the transmission of the virus." Two locations in England -- Arrowe Park Hospital in Merseyside, and Kents Hill Park in Milton Keynes -- have been designated as "isolation facilities," the statement added.

Sit-in was called off on assurance of PM’s exit: Fazl

LAHORE: Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman has claimed that he had ended the Islamabad sit-in on the assurance that Prime Minister Imran Khan would immediately step down and new elections would be held three months after his resignation. Before making this claim, Maulana Fazl said: “I urge [Punjab Assembly Speaker] Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi to disclose the secret he is carrying as amanat.” Fazal-ur-Rehman wearing a hat: Maulana didn’t say who really gave him the word that Imran will resign and fresh polls will be held. — AFP/File© Provided by Dawn Maulana didn’t say who really gave him the word that Imran will resign and fresh polls will be held. — AFP/File However, he did not say where the assurance came from, and analysts are of the view that throughout the JUI-F protest and dharna there was no indication that the PTI government was vulnerable or it may agree to the JUI-F’s demand for re-elections. Chiding the government for failing to control the spiral

Scottish finance secretary quits over alleged messages to teenage boy

London (CNN)Scotland's Finance Secretary Derek Mackay resigned on Thursday over a report in Scottish media that he had been sending hundreds of messages to a 16-year-old boy. His resignation came hours before he was due to deliver next year's budget. Mackay apologized in a statement Thursday, saying he took "full responsibility" for his "foolish" actions. "I apologize unreservedly to the individual involved and his family. I spoke last night with the First Minister and tendered my resignation with immediate effect," he said. "Serving in government has been a huge privilege and I am sorry to have let colleagues and supporters down," he added. The Scottish Sun first reported the story and published the full text exchanges with the boy, whom Mackay allegedly befriended on Facebook and Instagram. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon accepted Mackay's resignation, saying the former lawmaker "has made a signi

Toilet rolls and cleaning supplies sell out in Hong Kong after panic buying sprees

Shelves are empty in some Hong Kong supermarkets. Toilet rolls, tissue paper, bleach, and even soap have sold out. Videos on social media show crowds packed inside supermarkets, rushing to snatch remaining supplies. The panic buying began earlier this week and has continued through today, sparked by rumors online that mainland China would stop exporting these goods -- specifically toilet paper -- to Hong Kong, as more borders between the two places close. The Hong Kong government has denied the rumors and appealed for calm. Emergency measures, including closing several borders, "will not affect the freight services between the Mainland and Hong Kong," the government said in a statement. "Besides, the Government has confirmed with the major suppliers that the supply of food products remains normal and there is no shortage of food. There are sufficient stocks of staple food including rice and pastas. There is no need for the public to worry." But the warning

China says Xi Jinping is directing its Wuhan coronavirus response, but he's nowhere to be seen

Hong Kong (CNN)Since he first intervened in the Wuhan coronavirus crisis in late January, ordering "all-out efforts" to contain its spread, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been personally directing the country's response. At least, that's what state media has been repeatedly emphasizing -- Xi himself has not been seen for several days, missing from his usual place of prominence on the front page of the state-owned People's Daily newspaper and in the nightly newscast on state broadcaster CCTV. This is weird, not only because a country's leader is normally front and center during a crisis, but because Xi typically dominates media coverage at the best of times, regardless of how seemingly routine his activities are. Since he came to power in 2012, the People's Daily especially has become known for running multiple headlines about Xi and plastering not only the front page but several after it with nearly identical pictures of him shaking hands with var

Wuhan coronavirus death toll soars past 560

Taiwan confirmed two more cases of coronavirus today, bringing the total to 13 on the self-governing island. The new cases: The two patients are a 40-year-old man and a woman in her 20s, according to a statement by the Taiwan Ministry of Health. The man had worked in Wuhan in December, and returned to Taiwan on February 2. He developed a fever, coughing, and a headache the next day. The woman had been living in Wuhan, said the statement. She returned to Taiwan on January 21, developed symptoms on February 1, and sought medical treatment this Tuesday. Both of the patients are in isolation and in stable condition. First patient recovering: The first patient confirmed in Taiwan, who had been diagnosed on January 21, was recovering and would son be discharged from the hospital, said the statement.